

Em 2011, fontes anônimas divulgaram na Internet a localização brasileira "semi-oficial" de Pokémon, denominada "Bolsodex". O que para alguns foi uma notícia positiva, para outros se tornou motivo de decepção: muitos nomes pareciam fora de lugar, e a ausência de justificativas também trazia um desconforto. Em geral, as pessoas achavam que poderiam fazer melhor.

Nessa página, você e seus amigos podem fazer a sua própria Bolsodex! Pra isso, reunimos informações da Bulbapedia sobre a origem dos nomes de cada Pokémon, e incluímos também os nomes em outros idiomas. Preencha o nome de cada um e clique em "Salvar" pra baixar o arquivo .txt resultante.

Se juntem aí no Discord, botem uma música pra tocar, e briguem pra decidir como caralhos se traduz Gyarados!

Gostou? Quer ver as outras gerações? Quer compartilhar seu resultado com o mundo? Manda um e-mail pra mim com a bolsodex de vocês + nome da equipe que futuramente eu ponho aqui na página!

Todas as informações foram tiradas da Bulbapedia.

2ª Geração

Japonêsチコリータ Chicorita From chicory and -ita
InglêsChikorita Ver abaixo
FrancêsGermignon From germe and mignon
EspanholChikorita Same as English name
AlemãoEndivie Literally Endivie
Português brasileiro
Chikorita is a combination of chicory (a flowering plant) and ita (the feminine form of the Spanish suffix for something small or young).
Japonêsベイリーフ Bayleaf From bay leaf
InglêsBayleef Ver abaixo
FrancêsMacronium Comes from macro and géranium
EspanholBayleef Same as English name
AlemãoLorblatt From Lorbeer and Blatt
Português brasileiro
Bayleef is a corruption of bay leaf, a herb.
Japonêsメガニウム Meganium From mega and geranium
InglêsMeganium Ver abaixo
FrancêsMéganium Same as English/Japanese name
EspanholMeganium Same as English/Japanese name
AlemãoMeganie From mega and Geranie
Português brasileiro
Meganium is a combination of mega and geranium.
Japonêsヒノアラシ Hinoarashi Means 火の嵐 hi no arashi; also a pun on 山荒 yama-arashi
InglêsCyndaquil Ver abaixo
FrancêsHéricendre From hérisson and cendre
EspanholCyndaquil Same as English name
AlemãoFeurigel From Feuer and Igel
Português brasileiro
Cyndaquil is a combination of cinder (ashes) and quill (referring to needle-like hairs).

Hinoarashi may be a combination of 火 hi (fire) and ヤマアラシ (山荒) yama-arashi (porcupine). It can be taken to mean 火の嵐 hi no arashi (storm of fire).
Japonêsマグマラシ Magmarashi From magma and 山荒 yama-arashi
InglêsQuilava Ver abaixo
FrancêsFeurisson From feu and hérisson
EspanholQuilava Same as English name
AlemãoIgelavar From Igel and Lava
Português brasileiro
Quilava is a combination of quill (a needle-like hair) and lava (extrusive molten rock).

Magmarashi is a combination of magma and ヤマアラシ (山荒) yama-arashi (porcupine).
Japonêsバクフーン Bakphoon From 爆風 bakufū and typhoon
InglêsTyphlosion Ver abaixo
FrancêsTyphlosion Same as English name
EspanholTyphlosion Same as English name
AlemãoTornupto From Tornado and Eruption
Português brasileiro
Typhlosion is a combination of typhoon and explosion. Its name is also similar to the word typhus, a Greek word meaning 'hazy' (which would describe the effect that the intense heat Typhlosion generates has on the air surrounding it), and it may also be related to tephra (volcanic material). It could also derive from Typhon, a monster in Greek mythology who fathered many other monsters with his wife, Echidna; Cyndaquil resembles an echidna. Alternatively, it could be a reference to Eulipotyphla, the mammal group containing shrews and hedgehogs.

Bakphoon is a combination of 爆風 bakufū (blast) and typhoon.
Japonêsワニノコ Waninoko From 鰐の子 wani no ko
InglêsTotodile Ver abaixo
FrancêsKaiminus From Caiman and minuscule
EspanholTotodile Same as English name
AlemãoKarnimani From Karnivore and Kaiman
Português brasileiro
Totodile seems to be a combination of tot and crocodile.

Waninoko may be taken to mean 鰐の子 (child of a crocodile/alligator).
Japonêsアリゲイツ Alligates From alligator
InglêsCroconaw Ver abaixo
FrancêsCrocrodil From crocodile and croc
EspanholCroconaw Same as English name
AlemãoTyracroc From Tyrann and Krokodil
Português brasileiro
Croconaw may be a combination of crocodile and gnaw, though it may also involve maw or jaw.

Alligates may be derived from alligator.
Japonêsオーダイル Ordile From crocodile
InglêsFeraligatr Ver abaixo
FrancêsAligatueur From alligator and tueur
EspanholFeraligatr Same as English name
AlemãoImpergator From Imperator and Alligator
Português brasileiro
Feraligatr may be a combination of feral and alligator. It may also derive from ferocious. The shortening of "gator" into gatr is a result of the ten-character limit on English Pokémon names in Generation II.

Ordile may be a combination of 王 ō (king), 皇 ō (emperor), or 大 ō (large), and crocodile.
Japonêsオタチ Otachi From 尾 o and 立ち tatsu or 鼬 itachi
InglêsSentret Ver abaixo
FrancêsFouinette From fouine and belette
EspanholSentret Same as English name
AlemãoWiesor From Wiesel or Wiese, and junior or sensor
Português brasileiro
Sentret may be a combination of sentry and ferret.

Otachi may be a combination of 尾 o (tail) and 立つ tatsu (stand) or 鼬 itachi (weasel).
Japonêsオオタチ Ootachi From 大 ō and 立ち tatsu or 鼬 itachi
InglêsFurret Ver abaixo
FrancêsFouinar From fouine; although the meaning implied by the corruption seems to be snoop
EspanholFurret Same as English name
AlemãoWiesenior From Wiesel, Wiese (Wiesor), and Senior
Português brasileiro
Furret may a combination of fur and ferret. It may also be a play on turret, upon which sentries (Sentret's namesake) usually stand. Its name could also be inspired by the word furrow, a verb that means to make a rut, groove, or trail in, referring to Furret's body shape and gait.

Ootachi may be a combination of 大 ō (big) and 鼬 itachi (weasel), and it may also include 尾 o (tail) and 立つ tatsu (stand), just like Sentret's Japanese name, Otachi.
Japonêsホーホー Hoho Onomatopoeia for an owl's hoot
InglêsHoothoot Ver abaixo
FrancêsHoothoot Same as English name
EspanholHoothoot Same as English name
AlemãoHoothoot Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Hoothoot is derived from hoot, an onomatopoeia for the sound an owl makes. It may also be a combination of hoot and cuckoo, as in a Cuckoo clock, referring to Hoothoot's keen ability to keep track of time.

Hoho is derived from hoo, another onomatopoeia for the sound an owl makes.
Japonêsヨルノズク Yorunozuku From 夜 yoru and 木菟 mimizuku
InglêsNoctowl Ver abaixo
FrancêsNoarfang From noir and harfang
EspanholNoctowl Same as English name
AlemãoNoctuh From nocturnal and Uhu
Português brasileiro
Noctowl is a combination of nocturnal and owl.

Yorunozuku is a combination of 夜 yoru (night) and 木菟 mimizuku (horned owl).
Japonêsレディバ Rediba May be a corruption of ladybug or ladybird, or a combination of ladybug and red
InglêsLedyba Ver abaixo
FrancêsCoxy From Coccinella
EspanholLedyba Same as English name
AlemãoLedyba Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Ledyba and Rediba may be a combination of ladybug and red.
Japonêsレディアン Redian From ladybug or ladybird and red
InglêsLedian Ver abaixo
FrancêsCoxyclaque From Coccinella and claque
EspanholLedian Same as English name
AlemãoLedian Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Ledian and Redian may be a combination of ladybug, red, and alien.
Japonêsイトマル Itomaru May be a combination of 糸 ito (thread) and 丸 maru (circle) or a shortening of 巻き上がる makiagaru (to roll up).
InglêsSpinarak Ver abaixo
FrancêsMimigal From mignon and mygale, referring to Mygalomorphae
EspanholSpinarak Same as English name
AlemãoWebarak From web and arachnid
Português brasileiro
Spinarak may be a combination of spinneret or the verb spin (to "spin" a web), and arachnid. Spinnerak is also the Afrikaans word for spider web.

Itomaru may be a combination of 糸 ito (thread) and 丸 maru (circle) or a shortening of 巻き上がる makiagaru (to roll up).
Japonêsアリアドス Ariados Named after the Greek myth of Theseus and Ariadne and the Spanish "dos" for two.
InglêsAriados Ver abaixo
FrancêsMigalos From mygale
EspanholAriados Same as English name
AlemãoAriados Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Ariados may be named after the Greek myth of Theseus and Ariadne, wherein Ariadne gave Theseus a ball of twine before he entered the Labyrinth to slay the Minotaur, so that he may trail the strand behind him and find his route back to her. Ariados may also be a combination of arachnid (Latin for spider) and 脅す odosu (to threaten) or dos (Spanish for two, used possibly because it has two stingers, or because it is the second form in its evolutionary line).
Japonêsクロバット Crobat Possibly from cross, bat, and acrobat
InglêsCrobat Ver abaixo
FrancêsNostenfer From nocturne or Nosferatu, and Enfer
EspanholCrobat Same as English name
AlemãoIksbat From Iks and bat
Português brasileiro
Crobat may be a combination of cross (referring to the shape of its four outstretched wings) and bat. It may also be a shortening of acrobat (referring to its agility in the air).
Japonêsチョンチー Chonchie From 提灯 chōchin (lantern), 提灯鮟鱇 chōchin-ankō (footballfish), and 調和 chōwa (harmony).
InglêsChinchou Ver abaixo
FrancêsLoupio From loupiote
EspanholChinchou Same as English name
AlemãoLampi From Lampion
Português brasileiro
Chinchou is a play on 提灯 chōchin (lantern).

Chonchie is a corruption of 提灯 chōchin (lantern). Also, チョウチンアンコウ chōchin-ankō is the name of the footballfish, a deep-sea fish similar to Chinchou's evolution, Lanturn. Notably, 調和 chōwa is Japanese for harmony, describing the balance of Chinchou's water and electric types.
Japonêsランターン Lantern From lantern
InglêsLanturn Ver abaixo
FrancêsLanturn Same as English name
EspanholLanturn Same as English name
AlemãoLanturn Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Lanturn is a corruption of lantern. It may also be a combination of lantern and turn (as in "turn on the light").

Lantern is literally lantern.
Japonêsピチュウ Pichu From ピカピカ pikapika (onomatopoeia for sparkle), チューチュー chūchū (the sound of squeaking), and プチ puchi (petit).
InglêsPichu Ver abaixo
FrancêsPichu Same as its Japanese name.
EspanholPichu Same as its Japanese name.
AlemãoPichu Same as its Japanese name.
Português brasileiro
Pichu is a combination of ピカピカ pikapika (onomatopoeia for sparkle) and チューチュー chūchū (the sound of squeaking). It may also be a play on プチ puchi (petit). Pichu is ultimately a diminutive of Pikachu.
Japonêsピィ Py May be a shortening of pixie
InglêsCleffa Ver abaixo
FrancêsMélo A contraction of the word mélodie
EspanholCleffa Same as its English name
AlemãoPii From its Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Cleffa may be a combination of clef (a musical key, referencing its singing ability) and a shortening of fairy.

Py may be a shortening of pixie.
Japonêsププリン Pupurin From プチ puchi, プリン purin, and ぷりぷり puripuri. It may also involve 風船 fūsen
InglêsIgglybuff Ver abaixo
FrancêsToudoudou From tout and doux doubled
EspanholIgglybuff Same as English name
AlemãoFluffeluff From fluff and Pummeluff
Português brasileiro
Igglybuff may be derived from a shortening of jiggly or wiggly and buff (a pale, soft, flexible leather; referring to its skin).

Pupurin may be derived from プチ puchi (petit), プリン purin (pudding; referring to its soft body), and ぷりぷり puripuri (angrily or in a huff; referring to its personality). It may also involve 風船 fūsen (balloon).
Japonêsトゲピー Togepy From 刺 toge (spike), ピヨピヨ piyopiyo (onomatopoeia for a bird chirping)
InglêsTogepi Ver abaixo
FrancêsTogepi Same as English name
EspanholTogepi Same as English name
AlemãoTogepi Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Togepi and Togepy may be a combination of 刺 toge (spike) and ピヨピヨ piyopiyo (onomatopoeia for a bird chirping).
Japonêsトゲチック Togechick From 刺 toge (spike) and chick (a baby bird)
InglêsTogetic Ver abaixo
FrancêsTogetic Same as English name
EspanholTogetic Same as English name
AlemãoTogetic Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Togetic and Togechick are a combination of 刺 toge (spike) and chick (a baby bird).
Japonêsネイティ Naty Possibly a shortening of native
InglêsNatu Ver abaixo
FrancêsNatu Same as English name
EspanholNatu Same as English name
AlemãoNatu Same as English name
Português brasileiro
As revealed in a Penny Arcade Staff Podcast by Jeff Kalles, who assisted in the naming of many Generation II Pokémon, the word Natu is short for nature.

Naty may be a shortening of native.
Japonêsネイティオ Natio Possibly a corruption of native
InglêsXatu Ver abaixo
FrancêsXatu Same as English name
EspanholXatu Same as English name
AlemãoXatu Same as English name
Português brasileiro
As revealed in a Penny Arcade Staff Podcast by Jeff Kalles, who assisted in the naming of many Generation II Pokémon, a Xat is a sort of Native American totem pole. Xatu's name arose from The Pokémon Company's desire to have one Pokémon for every letter of the alphabet.[citation needed]

Natio may be a corruption of native.
Japonêsメリープ Merriep From merry, メー mē, Mary, and sheep
InglêsMareep Ver abaixo
FrancêsWattouat From watt and ouate, in which both are homophones
EspanholMareep Same as English name
AlemãoVoltilamm From Volt and Lamm
Português brasileiro
Mareep may be a combination of Mary (from the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb") and sheep. Mareep is also an anagram of ampere, a unit of electric current.

Merriep may be a combination of merry, メー mē (the sound made by sheep), or Mary and sheep.
Japonêsモココ Mokoko From 羊毛 yōmō (wool) and a shortening of もこもこ mokomoko (fluffy).
InglêsFlaaffy Ver abaixo
FrancêsLainergie From laine and énergie
EspanholFlaaffy Same as English name
AlemãoWaaty From Watte, Watt, and baa
Português brasileiro
Flaaffy may be a combination of fluffy and baa (the sound sheep make). Aa may also be a reference to an AA battery, given Flaaffy's Electric type.

Mokoko may derive from 羊毛 yōmō (wool) and a corruption of もこもこ mokomoko (fluffy).
Japonêsデンリュウ Denryu From 電流 denryū, 電竜 denryū, and possibly 電球 denkyū
InglêsAmpharos Ver abaixo
FrancêsPharamp From phare and ampere
EspanholAmpharos Same as English name
AlemãoAmpharos Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Ampharos is a combination of amp (a measure of electrical current) and pharos (Greek for lighthouse). It may also be a corruption of amparo (Portuguese and Spanish for aid and protection), referring to its role as a living lighthouse. The name may also incorporate amph- (Greek for both or on both sides) in reference to the two red orbs on its head and tail. Its body shares a similar shape to an amphora, as well as a similar name.

Denryu can be taken to mean 電流 denryū (electric current) or 電竜 den ryū (electric dragon), and it may incorporate 電球 denkyū (light bulb), referring to its tail.
Japonêsキレイハナ Kireihana From 綺麗 kirei, 鈴 rei, and 花 hana
InglêsBellossom Ver abaixo
FrancêsJoliflor From joli and flore
EspanholBellossom Same as English name
AlemãoBlubella From Blume, bella, and possibly bluebell
Português brasileiro
Bellossom may be a combination of bella (Spanish for "pretty"), bell, and blossom.

Kireihana may be a combination of 綺麗 kirei (pretty), 鈴 rei (bell), and 花 hana (flower).
Japonêsマリル Maril From 丸い marui (round or circular), 鞠 mari (ball) and 瑠璃 ruri (lapis lazuli)
InglêsMarill Ver abaixo
FrancêsMarill Same as English name
EspanholMarill Same as English name
AlemãoMarill Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Marill and Maril may be a combination of 丸い marui (round or circular) or 鞠 mari (ball), 瑠璃 ruri (lapis lazuli), and possibly rill (a small river or brook). It may also be derived from マリンブルー marine blue, an old name for navy blue.
Japonêsマリルリ Marilli From 丸い marui (round or circular), 鞠 mari (ball) and 瑠璃 ruri (lapis lazuli)
InglêsAzumarill Ver abaixo
FrancêsAzumarill Same as English name
EspanholAzumarill Same as English name
AlemãoAzumarill Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Azumarill is a combination of azure (a shade of blue) or azul (Spanish and Portuguese for blue), Marill, and possibly rill (a small river or brook)

Marilli may be a combination of 丸い marui (round or circular) or 鞠 mari (ball) and 瑠璃 ruri (lapis lazuli).
Japonêsウソッキー Usokkie From 嘘 uso (false), 木 ki (wood or tree) and 嘘つき usotsuki (liar)
InglêsSudowoodo Ver abaixo
FrancêsSimularbre From simuler and arbre
EspanholSudowoodo Same as English name
AlemãoMogelbaum From mogeln and Baum
Português brasileiro
Sudowoodo may be a combination of pseudo (false) and wood.

Usokkie may be a combination of 嘘 uso (false) and 木 ki (wood or tree). It could also derive from 嘘つき usotsuki (liar).
Japonêsニョロトノ Nyorotono From ニョロニョロ nyoronyoro, 殿 tono, and トノサマガエル tonosamagaeru
InglêsPolitoed Ver abaixo
FrancêsTarpaud From têtard and crapaud
EspanholPolitoed Same as English name
AlemãoQuaxo From quaken, Qua-, and Ach so!
Português brasileiro
Politoed is a combination of polliwog, meaning tadpole, and a corruption of toad. It may also be a play on 'poly-toed', meaning "having many toes", since, as Poliwhirl, its feet were digitless.

Nyorotono may be a combination of ニョロニョロ nyoronyoro (the sound of slithering) and 殿 tono (lord). This is possibly inspired by the トノサマガエル tonosamagaeru (dark-spotted frog), whose name literally means lord-frog in Japanese.
Japonêsハネッコ Hanecco From 葉 ha, 跳ねる haneru or 羽 hane, and 根っ子 nekko
InglêsHoppip Ver abaixo
FrancêsGranivol From graine and vol
EspanholHoppip Same as English name
AlemãoHoppspross From hopsen and Spross
Português brasileiro
Hoppip may derive from hop, hip-hop, or hippity-hop, indicating that it jumps or flies through the air; pip, a type of seed; or pipsqueak. The names of all stages of its evolutionary line are based on the phrase, "Just a hop, skip, and a jump away."

Hanecco may be any combination of 葉 ha (leaf), 跳ねる haneru (to jump or hop), or 羽 hane (wing), and 根っ子 nekko (root). Its name may also be a pun on 猫 neko (cat), given its cat-like ears and tail.
Japonêsポポッコ Popocco From 蒲公英 tanpopo and 根っ子 nekko
InglêsSkiploom Ver abaixo
FrancêsFloravol From fleur or flora and vol
EspanholSkiploom Same as English name
AlemãoHubelupf From hubbelig and hüpfen
Português brasileiro
Skiploom is a combination of skip and bloom. It may also derive from loom (an instrument used in weaving) or a corruption of plume or plumose (possessing filaments or branches that give a feathery look). The names of all stages of its evolutionary line are based on the phrase, "Just a hop, skip, and a jump away."

Popocco is a combination of 蒲公英 tanpopo (dandelion) and 根っ子 nekko (root).
Japonêsワタッコ Watacco From 綿 wata and 根っ子 nekko
InglêsJumpluff Ver abaixo
FrancêsCotovol From coton and vol
EspanholJumpluff Same as English name
AlemãoPapungha From Pappus and sprunghaft
Português brasileiro
Jumpluff is a combination of jump and fluff. It could also be a corruption of plush, meaning a soft object or an object made of felt. The names of all stages of its evolutionary line are based on the phrase, "Just a hop, skip, and a jump away."

Watacco is a combination of 綿 wata (cotton) and 根っ子 nekko (root).
Japonêsエイパム Eipam From ape, palm, and pom-pon
InglêsAipom Ver abaixo
FrancêsCapumain From capucin and main
EspanholAipom Same as English name
AlemãoGriffel From Griff or Griffel
Português brasileiro
Aipom and Eipam may be a combination of ape and palm (referring to the hand on its tail). It may also refer to a pom-pom.
Japonêsヒマナッツ Himanuts From 向日葵 himawari, nuts, and 夏 natsu
InglêsSunkern Ver abaixo
FrancêsTournegrin From tournesol and a corruption of grain
EspanholSunkern Same as English name
AlemãoSonnkern From Sonnenblumenkern
Português brasileiro
Sunkern may be a combination of sunflower and kernel.

Himanuts may be a combination of 向日葵 himawari (sunflower) and nuts. It may also refer to 夏 natsu (summer).
Japonêsキマワリ Kimawari From 黄 ki or 吉 ki, and 向日葵 himawari
InglêsSunflora Ver abaixo
FrancêsHéliatronc From hélianthe and tronc
EspanholSunflora Same as English name
AlemãoSonnflora From Sonnenblume and Flora
Português brasileiro
Sunflora may be a combination of sun and flora (plant life). It may also be a play on sunflower.

Kimawari may be a combination of 黄 ki (yellow) or 吉 ki (joy), and 向日葵 himawari (sunflower).
Japonêsヤンヤンマ Yanyanma From 蜻蜓 yanma
InglêsYanma Ver abaixo
FrancêsYanma Same as English name
EspanholYanma Same as English name
AlemãoYanma Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Yanma and Yanyanma derive from 蜻蜓 yanma (large dragonfly).
Japonêsウパー Upah From wooper looper
InglêsWooper Ver abaixo
FrancêsAxoloto From axolotl
EspanholWooper Same as English name
AlemãoFelino From Fenn and bambino
Português brasileiro
Wooper and Upah are derived from wooper looper, a marketing term created in Japan that started a pet salamander raising fad. Wooper loopers are the Japanese term for the axolotl, a species of salamander.
Japonêsヌオー Nuoh From 沼 numa, 王 ō, and 大山椒魚 ōsanshōuo
InglêsQuagsire Ver abaixo
FrancêsMaraiste From marais and majesté
EspanholQuagsire Same as English name
AlemãoMorlord From Moor and Lord
Português brasileiro
Quagsire is a combination of quagmire and the honorific sire or Siren (a genus of salamander).

Nuoh may be a combination of 沼 numa (swamp, marsh, pond, or lake) and 王 ō (king) or オオサンショウウオ ōsanshōuo (Japanese giant salamander).
Japonêsエーフィ Eifie From エスパー esper, フィール feel, and イーブイ Eievui
InglêsEspeon Ver abaixo
FrancêsMentali From mental and -li (common suffix for all French Eeveelutions)
EspanholEspeon Same as English name
AlemãoPsiana From Psi and -a (common suffix for all German Eeveelutions)
Português brasileiro
Espeon is a combination of ESP (a branch of psychic abilities) and eon (an immeasurably long period of time, possibly referring to how long evolution takes naturally). Eon is a suffix all Eevee evolutions share and was Eevee's English prototype name.

Eifie is a combination of エスパー esupaa (ESPer, a person with psychic powers) and フィール fiiru (feel), referring to its extraordinary sensory abilities. It is very similar to Eevee, in both writing and sound (イーブイ/エーフィ).
Japonêsブラッキー Blacky From black and lucky
InglêsUmbreon Ver abaixo
FrancêsNoctali From nocturne and -li (common suffix for all French Eeveelutions)
EspanholUmbreon Same as English name
AlemãoNachtara From Nacht and -a (common suffix for all German Eeveelutions)
Português brasileiro
Umbreon may be a combination of umbra (Latin for shadow and ghost, as well as the English word for the moon's silhouette during a solar eclipse) and eon, a shortened form of evolution, the word also meaning an immeasurably long period of time (possibly referring to how long evolution takes naturally). Eon is a suffix all Eevee evolutions share and was Eevee's English prototype name.

Blacky may be a combination of black and lucky, as the black cat in Japan is considered lucky. It may also refer to the color of its coat.
Japonêsヤミカラス Yamikarasu From 闇 yami and 烏 karasu
InglêsMurkrow Ver abaixo
FrancêsCornèbre From corneille and ténèbre
EspanholMurkrow Same as English name
AlemãoKramurx From Krähe, Rabe and Murks
Português brasileiro
Murkrow is a combination of murky or murder (a group of crows) and crow.

Yamikarasu is a combination of 闇 yami (darkness) and 烏 karasu (crow).
Japonêsヤドキング Yadoking From 宿借り yadokari, 宿主 yadonushi and king
InglêsSlowking Ver abaixo
FrancêsRoigada From roi and flagada.
EspanholSlowking Same as English name
AlemãoLaschoking From lasch and king
Português brasileiro
Slowking is a combination of slow and king.

Yadoking is a combination of 宿借り yadokari (hermit crab) and king. Alternatively, it may also derive from 宿主 yadonushi ([parasitic] host), based on its relationship with Shellder in its evolutions.
Japonêsムウマ Muma From 夢魔 muma
InglêsMisdreavus Ver abaixo
FrancêsFeuforêve A play on Feu Follet and Rêve
EspanholMisdreavus Same as English name
AlemãoTraunfugil From Traum, Unfug and evil
Português brasileiro
Misdreavus appears to be a corruption of mischievous. It may also incorporate mistress, miscreant (since it scares people), dream, dread, dreary, and reave (to rob).

Muma may be a corruption of 夢魔 muma (nightmare or a demon in a dream).
Japonêsアンノーン Unknown From unknown
InglêsUnown Ver abaixo
FrancêsZarbi From the word bizarre in Verlan, a youth language consisting of reversed words
EspanholUnown Same as English name
AlemãoIcognito From icon and inkognito
Português brasileiro
Unown is a corruption of unknown.

Unknown is literally unknown.
Japonêsソーナンス Sonans From そうなんす sō na-n-su
InglêsWobbuffet Ver abaixo
FrancêsQulbutoké A play on Culbuto (the French trademarked name for Weebles) and okay
EspanholWobbuffet Same as English name
AlemãoWoingenau Corrupted version of Wohin genau?
Português brasileiro
Wobbuffet is a combination of wobble and buffet (to strike repeatedly), referring to its punching-bag shape.

Sonans is homophonous with the interjection そうなんす sō na-n-su, which roughly means, "That's the way it is." It is played off by its pre-evolution, Wynaut, whose Japanese name, Sohnano, is nearly homophonous with the phrase そうなの sō na no, meaning, "Really?" Together, they make for a potential perpetual conversation of, "Really?" followed by, "That's the way it is," and so on, as seen in Camp Pikachu.

Other languages' names for the Pokémon in this family, due to the fact that they were introduced in different generations, do not feature this pun.
Japonêsキリンリキ Kirinriki From 麒麟 kirin (giraffe) and 念力 nenriki (telekinesis)
InglêsGirafarig Ver abaixo
FrancêsGirafarig Same as English name
EspanholGirafarig Same as English name
AlemãoGirafarig Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Girafarig is a palindrome based on giraffe, referring its two-headed and reverse appearance.

Kirinriki is both a palindrome (when written in katakana) based on 麒麟 kirin (giraffe), and a combination of kirin and 念力 nenriki (telekinesis).
Japonêsクヌギダマ Kunugidama From クヌギ kunugi and 玉 tama
InglêsPineco Ver abaixo
FrancêsPomdepik From pomme de pin and pic
EspanholPineco Same as English name
AlemãoTannza From Tannenzapfen and Panzer
Português brasileiro
Pineco is a shortening of pine cone, reflecting its pine cone-like appearance.

Kunugidama may be a combination of クヌギ kunugi (sawtooth oak) and 玉 tama (ball).
Japonêsフォレトス Foretos From forest, turret, and fortress
InglêsForretress Ver abaixo
FrancêsForetress Similar to English name
EspanholForretress Same as English name
AlemãoForstellka From Forst and Kastell
Português brasileiro
Forretress and Foretos are a combination of forest and fortress. It may also contain turret, referring to the nozzles on its body that it uses to launch Spikes, and/or ferrous, from the Latin for iron/steel, referring to the steel quality of the shell.
Japonêsノコッチ Nokocchi Anagram of ツチノコ tsuchinoko
InglêsDunsparce Ver abaixo
FrancêsInsolourdo From insolite and lourdeau
EspanholDunsparce Same as English name
AlemãoDummisel From dumm and Meißel
Português brasileiro
Dunsparce may be a combination of dun (dark; gloomy, referring to its preferred habitat) or dunce and sparse (referring to its rarity).

Nokocchi may be an anagram of ツチノコ Tsuchinoko, a fabled snake-like creature.
Japonêsグライガー Gliger From glide and gargoyle
InglêsGligar Ver abaixo
FrancêsScorplane From scorpion and plane
EspanholGligar Same as English name
AlemãoSkorgla From Skorpion and glide
Português brasileiro
Gligar and Gliger are a combination of glide and gargoyle.
Japonêsハガネール Haganeil From 鋼 hagane, and nail or tail
InglêsSteelix Ver abaixo
FrancêsSteelix Same as English name
EspanholSteelix Same as English name
AlemãoStahlos From Stahl and possibly Koloss
Português brasileiro
Steelix is a combination of steel and Onix, which itself likely came from the onyx stone. It may also refer to helix (with regards to its serpentine body).

Haganeil may be a combination of 鋼 hagane (steel) and nail or tail.
Japonêsブルー Bulu Shortening of bulldog
InglêsSnubbull Ver abaixo
FrancêsSnubbull Same as English name
EspanholSnubbull Same as English name
AlemãoSnubbull Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Snubbull may be a combination of snub (a short nose, or to treat with disdain) and bulldog or bully (referring to how it scares away foes). It may also be a play on snuggle.

Bulu may be a shortening of bulldog or bully.
Japonêsグランブル Granbulu From grand, bulldog, and bully.
InglêsGranbull Ver abaixo
FrancêsGranbull Same as English name
EspanholGranbull Same as English name
AlemãoGranbull Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Granbull and Granbulu may be a combination of grand (large) and bulldog or bully (referring to its tendency to scare away foes). It also sounds like grumble (referring to its low, growling cry).
Japonêsハリーセン Harysen From 針千本 harisenbon
InglêsQwilfish Ver abaixo
FrancêsQwilfish Same as English name
EspanholQwilfish Same as English name
AlemãoBaldorfish From Ballon, Dorn and Fisch
Português brasileiro
Qwilfish may be a combination of quill and fish.

Harysen may be a shortening of 針千本 harisenbon (porcupinefish). An early version of Qwilfish was called Bukū, which may be a corruption of 河豚 fugu (pufferfish).
Japonêsハッサム Hassam From 剪む hasamu
InglêsScizor Ver abaixo
FrancêsCizayox From a corruption of ciseaux, and possibly oxidation, in reference to its rust-red color
EspanholScizor Same as English name
AlemãoScherox From Schere and possibly ferox or oxidation, in reference to its rust-red color
Português brasileiro
Scizor is a corruption of scissor or a combination of scissors and razor.

Hassam is a corruption of 剪む hasamu (to clip or snip).
Japonêsツボツボ Tsubotsubo From 壷 tsubo and 富士壺 fujitsubo
InglêsShuckle Ver abaixo
FrancêsCaratroc From carapace and troc, referring to its ability of transforming Berries into Berry juice
EspanholShuckle Same as English name
AlemãoPottrott From Pott and verrotten, referring to the fermentation of Berries in its shell
Português brasileiro
Shuckle may be a combination of shuck (a husk or pod) or shackle and barnacle or turtle.

Tsubotsubo may derive from 壷 tsubo (jar) and 富士壺 fujitsubo (barnacle).
Japonêsヘラクロス Heracros From Heracles, Hercules beetle, and cross.
InglêsHeracross Ver abaixo
FrancêsScarhino From scarabée and rhinocéros (beetle)
EspanholHeracross Same as English name
AlemãoSkaraborn From Skarabäus and Horn
Português brasileiro
Heracross and Heracros are a combination of Ἡρακλῆς, Hēraklēs (Heracles, a demigod of Greek mythology, whose Roman mythological analogue has given name to the Hercules beetle) and cross.
Japonêsニューラ Nyula From 潜入 sennyū, ニャー nya, 鼬 yū, new, and 野良 nora
InglêsSneasel Ver abaixo
FrancêsFarfuret From farfadet and furet
EspanholSneasel Same as English name
AlemãoSniebel From its English name and Dieb
Português brasileiro
Sneasel is a combination of sneaky and weasel. It may also derive from sneeze, an action associated with having a cold or being cold, referring to its Ice type. Sneasel may have derived from the Scottish word sneesl, meaning to begin to rain or snow, hence the Ice type.

Nyula may be a combination of 潜入 sennyū (sneaking in) and 鼬 yū (weasel, an alternate reading of itachi). Alternatively, it may be a combination of new and 野良 nora (stray, as in a stray cat, as strays are usually violent and tricky). Nyu itself may be a combination of ニャー nya (the sound a cat makes) and 鼬 yū.
Japonêsヒメグマ Himeguma From 姫 hime, 朏 hi, and 熊 kuma
InglêsTeddiursa Ver abaixo
FrancêsTeddiursa Same as English name
EspanholTeddiursa Same as English name
AlemãoTeddiursa Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Teddiursa is a combination of teddy bear and ursa (Latin for bear).

Himeguma may be a combination of 姫 hime (princess, small) or hi (an alternate reading of 朏 mikazuki [crescent moon]) and 熊 kuma (bear). Hime is the Japanese word for princess, but also used as small in Japanese nomenclature of species.
Japonêsリングマ Ringuma From ring, and 熊 kuma
InglêsUrsaring Ver abaixo
FrancêsUrsaring Same as English name
EspanholUrsaring Same as English name
AlemãoUrsaring Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Ursaring's name is a combination of ursa (Latin for bear) and ring (referring to the circle on its stomach).

Ringuma is a combination of リング ringu (ring) and 熊 kuma (bear). rin is also a reading for 輪 (ring).
Japonêsマグマッグ Magmag From magma and slug
InglêsSlugma Ver abaixo
FrancêsLimagma From limace and magma
EspanholSlugma Same as English name
AlemãoSchneckmag From Schnecke and Magma
Português brasileiro
Slugma is a combination of slug and magma.

Magmag is a combination of magma and slug.
Japonêsマグカルゴ Magcargot From magma, escargot, and cargo
InglêsMagcargo Ver abaixo
FrancêsVolcaropod From volcan and gastéropode
EspanholMagcargo Same as English name
AlemãoMagcargo Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Magcargo and Magcargot are a combination of magma (intrusive molten rock) and escargot (French for snail). Cargo may also refer to the shell it carries, which it lacked as a Slugma.
Japonêsウリムー Urimoo From 瓜坊 uribō and ブーブー būbū
InglêsSwinub Ver abaixo
FrancêsMarcacrin From marcassin and crin
EspanholSwinub Same as English name
AlemãoQuiekel From quieken and Ferkel
Português brasileiro
Swinub is a combination of swine and nub (referring to its lump-like nose) or cub, a young animal.

Urimoo may be a combination of 瓜坊 uribō (a wild boar piglet) and ブーブー bū bū (an onomatopoeia for oinking).
Japonêsイノムー Inomoo From 猪 inoshishi and ブーブー būbū
InglêsPiloswine Ver abaixo
FrancêsCochignon From cochon and chignon
EspanholPiloswine Same as English name
AlemãoKeifel From Keiler, Fell and possibly keifen
Português brasileiro
Piloswine is a combination of pilose (to be covered in distinct hairs) and swine. It might invoke "pile o' swine", due to its tall and shaggy form. It may also come from the word "Pil" (Elephant in Hebrew).

Inomoo may be a combination of 猪 inoshishi (boar) and ブーブー bū bū (an onomatopoeia for oinking).
Japonêsサニーゴ Sunnygo From sunny and 珊瑚 sango
InglêsCorsola Ver abaixo
FrancêsCorayon From corail, rayon, and possibly a pun on crayon
EspanholCorsola Same as English name
AlemãoCorasonn From Koralle, Sonne, and corazón
Português brasileiro
Corsola may be a combination of coral and sole (a piece of coral) or solar.

Sunnygo may be a combination of sunny and 珊瑚 sango (coral).
Japonêsテッポウオ Teppouo From 鉄砲 teppō, 魚 uo, and 鉄砲魚 teppōuo
InglêsRemoraid Ver abaixo
FrancêsRémoraid Same as English name
EspanholRemoraid Same as English name
AlemãoRemoraid Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Remoraid may be a combination of remora and raid (a rapid attack). Alternatively, it could be a combination of remora and aid, denoting the health benefits of some fish that clean others.

Teppouo may be a combination of 鉄砲 teppō (gun, as in water gun) and 魚 uo (fish). 鉄砲魚 teppōuo is also the Japanese name for the archerfish.
Japonêsオクタン Okutank From octopus and tank
InglêsOctillery Ver abaixo
FrancêsOctillery Same as English name
EspanholOctillery Same as English name
AlemãoOctillery Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Octillery is a combination of octopus and artillery.

Okutank is a combination of octopus and tank.
Japonêsデリバード Delibird From deliver and bird
InglêsDelibird Ver abaixo
FrancêsCadoizo From cadeau and oiseau
EspanholDelibird Same as English name
AlemãoBotogel From Bote and Vogel
Português brasileiro
Delibird is a combination of delivery and bird. Deli may have derived from the Adélie penguin. Pronouncing Delibird with the same inflection as delivered yields a very similar sound, with the "b" and "v" being the only variation between the two words.
Japonêsマンタイン Mantain From manta and marine or brine
InglêsMantine Ver abaixo
FrancêsDémanta From démon and manta
EspanholMantine Same as English name
AlemãoMantax From Manta and taxi
Português brasileiro
Mantine may be a combination of manta and marine or brine.

Mantain may be a combination of manta and Tyne (pronounced tain).
Japonêsエアームド Airmd From air, armed, and armored
InglêsSkarmory Ver abaixo
FrancêsAirmure From air and armure
EspanholSkarmory Same as English name
AlemãoPanzaeron From Panzer, aero and iron
Português brasileiro
Skarmory is a combination of sky and armory or armor. It may also include scar, given how its sharp body could easily wound its prey and even leave them with scars; scar may also refer to Skarmory's own skin, being cut repeatedly in brambles when it is young and building up the harder, callused or scar-like tissue which makes up its steely hide as an adult.

Airmd may be based on air or a pun on armed or armored.
Japonêsデルビル Delvil From devil
InglêsHoundour Ver abaixo
FrancêsMalosse From mal and molosse
EspanholHoundour Same as English name
AlemãoHunduster From Hund and düster
Português brasileiro
Houndour may be a combination of hound and dour (grim, dreary, severe).

Delvil may be a corruption of devil.
Japonêsヘルガー Hellgar From hell and gar
InglêsHoundoom Ver abaixo
FrancêsDémolosse From démon and molosse
EspanholHoundoom Same as English name
AlemãoHundemon From Hund and Dämon
Português brasileiro
Houndoom may be a combination of hound and doom (death or a terrible fate).

Hellgar may be a combination of hell and gar (Old English for spear; referring to its tail.)
Japonêsキングドラ Kingdra From king, dragon, and hydra
InglêsKingdra Ver abaixo
FrancêsHyporoi From hippocampe and roi
EspanholKingdra Same as English name
AlemãoSeedraking From Seepferd, Drache, and king
Português brasileiro
Kingdra may be a combination of king and dragon or hydra (a mythological sea creature).
Japonêsゴマゾウ Gomazou From 当歳駒 tōsaigoma and 象 zō
InglêsPhanpy Ver abaixo
FrancêsPhanpy Same as English name
EspanholPhanpy Same as English name
AlemãoPhanpy Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Phanpy may be derived from elephant with the diminutive -py added to reflect its small size.

Gomazou may be a combination of 当歳駒 tōsaigoma (yearling) and 象 zō (elephant).
Japonêsドンファン Donfan From don, dónti, and elephant
InglêsDonphan Ver abaixo
FrancêsDonphan Same as English name
EspanholDonphan Same as English name
AlemãoDonphan Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Donphan and Donfan may be a combination of don (Spanish for lord or master) or dónti (Greek for tooth) and elephant.
Japonêsポリゴン2 Porygon2 From polygon and 2
InglêsPorygon2 Ver abaixo
FrancêsPorygon2 Same as English/Japanese name
EspanholPorygon2 Same as English/Japanese name
AlemãoPorygon2 Same as English/Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Porygon2 may be a corruption of polygon and the number 2 (since it is the second stage in its evolutionary line).
Japonêsオドシシ Odoshishi From 鹿威し shishiodoshi
InglêsStantler Ver abaixo
FrancêsCerfrousse From cerf and frousse
EspanholStantler Same as English name
AlemãoDamhirplex From Damhirsch and perplex
Português brasileiro
Stantler may be a combination of stag or stare and antler.

Odoshishi may be derived from 鹿威し shishiodoshi.
Japonêsドーブル Doble From dog, doodle, dabble, and doble
InglêsSmeargle Ver abaixo
FrancêsQueulorior From queue and colorier
EspanholSmeargle Same as English name
AlemãoFarbeagle From Farbe and beagle
Português brasileiro
Smeargle may be a combination of smear and beagle.

Doble may be a combination of dog and doodle or dabble (to splatter liquid, which could be a reference to paint being splattered). Doble also means double in Spanish, perhaps referencing Smeargle's ability to copy opponent's techniques.
Japonêsバルキー Balkie Corruption of bulky
InglêsTyrogue Ver abaixo
FrancêsDebugant From débutant and gant
EspanholTyrogue Same as its English name
AlemãoRabauz From Rabauke and Raubauz
Português brasileiro
Tyrogue is a combination of tyro (a beginner) or tyke (child) and rogue (one who is playfully mischievous). Ty may also be referring to Mike Tyson.

Balkie may be a corruption of bulky.
Japonêsカポエラー Kapoerer From capoeira
InglêsHitmontop Ver abaixo
FrancêsKapoera From capoeira
EspanholHitmontop Same as its English name
AlemãoKapoera From Capoeira
Português brasileiro
Hitmontop is a combination of hit, monster, and top (a reference to spinning tops and how it fights, by spinning on its head). The name is also related to Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan, both of which have been parallel evolutions to it since Generation II.

Kapoerer is derived from capoeira, a Brazilian martial art that often involves spinning one's legs in the air.
Japonêsムチュール Muchul From 夢中 muchū and ちゅう chu
InglêsSmoochum Ver abaixo
FrancêsLippouti From the English word lip, poutou, and petit
EspanholSmoochum Same as English name
AlemãoKussilla From Kuss and lila
Português brasileiro
Smoochum may be derived from smooch (a kiss) and possibly chum (friend). It may also be a pun on "smooch 'em."

Muchul may be a combination of 夢中 muchū (daze or trance) and ちゅう chu (the sound of a kiss).
Japonêsエレキッド Elekid From エレキ eleki and kid
InglêsElekid Ver abaixo
FrancêsÉlekid Same as English name
EspanholElekid Same as English name
AlemãoElekid Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Elekid is a combination of electric and kid.
Japonêsブビィ Buby Possibly from booby and baby
InglêsMagby Ver abaixo
FrancêsMagby Same as English name
EspanholMagby Same as English name
AlemãoMagby Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Magby is a combination of magma (intrusive molten rock) and baby or booby.

Buby may be a combination of booby (a type of sea bird) and baby.
Japonêsミルタンク Miltank From milk and tank
InglêsMiltank Ver abaixo
FrancêsÉcrémeuh From écrémé and meuh
EspanholMiltank Same as English name
AlemãoMiltank Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Miltank is a combination of milk and tank (a storage container for liquid). Tank may also refer to its tank-like defense stats.
Japonêsハピナス Happinas From happiness, nurse, and 茄子 nasu
InglêsBlissey Ver abaixo
FrancêsLeuphorie From l'oeuf and euphorie
EspanholBlissey Same as English name
AlemãoHeiteira From heiter and Chaneira
Português brasileiro
Blissey is a combination of bliss (happiness) and the suffix -sey from Chansey, its pre-evolution.

Happinas may be a corruption of happiness, or a combination of happiness and nurse. It may also involve 茄子 nasu (eggplant), referring to the egg theme of this evolutionary line.
Japonêsライコウ Raikou From 雷公 raikō, 雷 rai, 雷光 raikou, and 皇 kō
InglêsRaikou Ver abaixo
FrancêsRaikou Same as Japanese name
EspanholRaikou Same as Japanese name
AlemãoRaikou Same as Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Raikou could be taken to mean 雷光 raikou (lightning), which is also the inspiration for the name of raijū, or it may be a combination of 雷 rai (thunder) and 皇 kō (emperor). It may also derive from 雷公 raikō (thunder duke), the on'yomi reading of Lei Gong, a Taoist/Daoist deity.
Japonêsエンテイ Entei From 炎帝 entei, 炎 en, 炎天 enten, and 皇帝 kōtei
InglêsEntei Ver abaixo
FrancêsEntei Same as Japanese name
EspanholEntei Same as Japanese name
AlemãoEntei Same as Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Entei may be a combination of 炎天 enten (blazing heat) or 炎 en (flame, an alternate reading of honō) and 皇帝 kōtei (emperor). It can be written in kanji as 炎帝 (identical to the Chinese Yándì).
Japonêsスイクン Suicune From 水 sui, 水晶 suishō, and 君 kun
InglêsSuicune Ver abaixo
FrancêsSuicune Same as Japanese name
EspanholSuicune Same as Japanese name
AlemãoSuicune Same as Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Suicune may be a combination of 水 sui (water) and 君 kun (monarch). The game title it is the mascot of suggests that it may derive from 水晶 suishō (crystal).
Japonêsヨーギラス Yogiras From 幼児 yōji, 幼生 yōsei, 嫌い kirai, Godzilla, and Angiras
InglêsLarvitar Ver abaixo
FrancêsEmbrylex From embryon and silex
EspanholLarvitar Same as English name
AlemãoLarvitar Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Larvitar appears to be derived from larva.

Yogiras may be a combination of 幼児 yōji (baby or child) or 幼生 yōsei (larva) and 嫌い kirai (hate). Giras may derive from Gojira, the Japanese name for the character Godzilla, or Angiras, the Japanese name for the character Anguirus. Both are dinosaur-like tokusatsu movie monsters that share some characteristics with Tyranitar, its evolution.
Japonêsサナギラス Sanagiras From 蛹 sanagi, 嫌い kirai, Godzilla, and Angiras
InglêsPupitar Ver abaixo
FrancêsYmphect From nymph and infecte. It may also have been named that way to resemble insecte
EspanholPupitar Same as English name
AlemãoPupitar Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Pupitar appears to be derived from pupa, the stage in some insects between the larval stage and adulthood.

Sanagiras may be a combination of 蛹 sanagi (pupa) and 嫌い kirai (hate). Giras may derive from Gojira, the Japanese name for the character Godzilla, or Angiras, the Japanese name for the character Anguirus. Both are dinosaur-like tokusatsu movie monsters (kaiju) that share some characteristics with Tyranitar, its evolution.
Japonêsバンギラス Bangiras From 野蛮 yaban, 蛮 ban, 嫌い kirai, ゴリラ gorira , and 鯨 kugira .
InglêsTyranitar Ver abaixo
FrancêsTyranocif From tyran or Tyrannosaurus and nocif
EspanholTyranitar Same as English name
AlemãoDespotar From Despot and lizard
Português brasileiro
Tyranitar may be derived from tyrant or Tyrannosaurus (derived from the same root).

Bangiras may be a combination of 野蛮 yaban (savage) or 蛮 ban (barbarian) and 嫌い kirai (hate).
Japonêsルギア Lugia From lutetium, Lutetia, lugeo, luna, and beluga whale
InglêsLugia Ver abaixo
FrancêsLugia Same as Japanese name
EspanholLugia Same as Japanese name
AlemãoLugia Same as Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Lugia may be derived from lutetium (a silverish element), which in turn is named after Lutetia (the Roman name for Paris, the city of light). It may also involve Lugeo (Latin for to lie dormant, alluding to the way Lugia lies at the bottom of the sea), luna (Latin for moon), beluga whale, and deluge. It may also be derived from Bahamut (giant fish) earliest nickname, Balhūt (Bahamut) is a variant name found in some cosmographies. In the earliest sources, the name is Lutīyā.
Japonêsホウオウ Houou From 鳳凰 Hōō
InglêsHo-Oh Ver abaixo
FrancêsHo-Oh Same as English name
EspanholHo-Oh Same as English name
AlemãoHo-Oh Same as English name
Português brasileiro
Ho-Oh and Houou are derived from 鳳凰 Hōō, Japanese for the fènghuáng (Chinese phoenix). The ou may also refer to 皇 ō (emperor) or 王 ō (king). It may also include 炎 honō (flame).
Japonêsセレビィ Celebi From celestial, cerebral, serenity, being, and 美 bi
InglêsCelebi Ver abaixo
FrancêsCelebi Same as Japanese name
EspanholCelebi Same as Japanese name
AlemãoCelebi Same as Japanese name
Português brasileiro
Celebi may be a combination of celestial and being, or it may be a combination of serenity and 美 bi (beauty).