creatures of inktober 2019
inktober is a public challenge in which you must make a drawing/"art thing" for every day of october, according to a pre-specified prompt list. the goal is not only to exercise your discipline (so many drawings!), but also your creativity (how will you approach the prompt?). overall it's pretty fun, if you can spare the time.
until now, 2019 has been the first (and only) year in which I participated. in addition to the official prompts, I established as my own personal constraint that each entry should be related to creature design, at least vaguely. also, there were days when I felt inspired and ended up making multiple drawings.
you can check the results below. I had a lot of fun! :)

1. Ring

2. Mindless

3. Bait

4. Freeze

5. Build

6. Husky

7. Enchanted

8. Frail

9. Swing

10. Pattern

11. Snow

12. Dragon

13. Ash

14. Overgrown

15. Legend

16. Wild

17. Ornament

18. Misfit

19. Sling

20. Tread

21. Treasure

22. Ghost

23. Ancient

24. Dizzy

25. Tasty

26. Dark

27. Coat

28. Ride

29. Injured

30. Catch

31. Ripe